IT services & outsourcing

Effective management of
your MSPs

It’s common for a business to put the overall management and integration of its IT infrastructure into the hands of a managed service provider or “MSP”.

For almost any business, your arrangement with your MSP will be a critical supply contract and one of your most important long-term relationships. For some, like those providing financial services, there can also be detailed rules around how that is done and some very specific requirements for those contracts.

Equally, for suppliers, these contracts are often heavily negotiated or done on the customer’s paper. This means that no two are quite alike, making them significant sources of risk as well as revenue. Making sure you have a deal you can actually deliver to inside your quoted price and still make a decent profit is crucial.

These are the types of agreement we deal with day in, day out. We know the law. We know what’s “market”. We understand the actual nitty gritty of service delivery. We have a good working knowledge of typical compromise and fallback positions. We pride ourselves on “getting it done” without giving away the farm or racking up enormous legal bills.

Whether you’re a customer (especially a regulated customer) looking to do a strategic deal, or a smaller supplier needing some legal support in dealing with a much larger customer, we can help.

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