Data protection compliance support

Straightforward advice
that doesn’t sit on the

At its heart, data protection law is very simple: when you handle information about people, you need to do so in a way that’s fair, transparent and accurate. You should gather no more information than you need, tell people what you’re doing with it, keep it safe and retain it no longer than necessary. 

Generally, data protection law won’t usually prevent you doing something that common sense suggests ought to be allowed. In practice however, the way the law is structured can make it difficult to work out.

We’ve been providing data protection advice since well before the GDPR came into force. We’ve dealt with all sorts of things over the years, from relatively simple matters like employee wellness schemes to more complex issues around things like biometric security gates and “cookie-less” targeted advertising.

We can help guide your own compliance project, advise on and help you conduct impact assessments, legitimate interests assessments and security assessments, help to identify a legal basis and appropriate transparency for new activities, or simply provide a sanity check or second opinion on whether or not something is “okay”.

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