
Statements of work and technical schedules - part 1: terminology

Statements of work and schedules are often some of the most important parts of a contract, but defined terms are often used inconsistently. How do defined terms work, and what should you look out for?

Dan Hedley

What does DORA mean for UK financial services businesses?

DORA ushers in a new era of regulatory scrutiny for financial services businesses, one which requires more day-to-day scrutiny of contracts, more record keeping and more reporting.

Maeve MacGlinchey

Influencer marketing: what should brands consider?

Influencer marketing is still one of the most powerful tools to boost trust and engagement in your brand – but what are the key legal issues to consider?

Aurelia Butler-Ball

What blocks implementing playbooks and contract risk policies?

Inhouse counsel we speak to almost universally agree that having a playbook or risk policy for supplier contracts would be a good thing. But what is stopping them?

Chris Bridges

The valuable information hidden in your business-as-usual contracts

Your BAU contracts could be hiding a wealth of management information. We show you where to look for it and how to unlock its value.

Stuart Padgham

Five steps to managing risk in your business as usual contracts

Out of necessity, legal teams tend to focus on critical and higher values contracts. But in most organisations it is possible that the unreviewed contracts are collectively more valuable or risky. How do you go about managing contract risk at scale?

Stuart Padgham

Every organisation’s hidden resource

From keeping their organisation secure to uncovering income-generating opportunities, in-house legal teams are a valuable business resource.

Stuart Padgham

Is your project doomed to fail?

Getting user buy-in is crucial to achieving ROI, whether you’re looking at a new tool for your team to use or implementing a change that directly affects your team’s internal clients.

Chris Bridges

A practical guide to augmenting your legal team with process, technology and data

Where do you start? Which activities in your team lend themselves to being augmented with process, technology and data? And how do you get from A to B?

Chris Bridges

Building a firm from scratch – the blueprint

Given the opportunity to start with a blank piece of paper, we've thought very carefully about what we need to run the firm efficiently.

Chris Bridges

Building a firm from scratch – why go on our own & our vision

Why we started your own firm rather than join one, and our aspirations for what Tacit Legal will feel like for our clients and our colleagues.

Chris Bridges